7 Direct-to-Consumer Shoe Brands That Are Changing The Game

"Walk in these to your next big meeting."

How a Wall Street Background Can Help You Create Fashion

"The ultimate solution for men's shoes."

Start-up thinks outside the (shoe)box with top menswear

From Wall Street to the shoe industry

This Company Makes $400 Shoes Seem Like a Bargain

"I loved this concept when I first heard about it, and I liked it even better when I tried the shoes in person."

Online shoe brand gives guideshops a try

Shops to showrooms

Paul Evans Men’s Direct-to-Consumer Shoe Brand Opens New York Store

Paul Evans Puts Its Best Foot Forward

"If you pride Italian leather and shoemakers combined with a New York-inspired design, take a look at PAUL EVANS."

Men's Trend: Laceless Boots

"Paul Evans completely eliminates the middle man and, therefore, the retail markup."

"A new meaning to the term 'shoe shopping.'"

Luxury Footwear Without The Middleman

30 Gifts For Every Man In Your Life

"Incredibly comfortable."

Classic Fall Shoes

"Made with an eye towards millennial’s who care about looking their best."

Step Your Shoe Game Up With Paul Evans

Winter Shoe Guide

"Like, these shoes make me swoon."

"Super chic and classy as hell."

"Their three styles — The Brando, The Cagney and The Grant — are as classy and elegant as their namesakes, and in the realm of calfskin designer shoes, you’ll be hard pressed to beat their prices."

"Combined with outstanding Italian construction, and beautifully soft calfskin uppers burnished to a soft glow, these shoes are, in a word, exceptional."

"Much more appealing than what you’d typically find in an Allen Edmonds’ store. They’re sharp shoes."

"Standing out in the right way, these deep red leather shoes cast a bad-ass shadow on their brown counterparts."

"Everything you'd demand for in a luxury shoe."
"I’d pick the burgundy Paul Evans Cagney over the black Allen Edmonds Park Avenue. It’s unquestionably a more attractive shoe, and the color is far more versatile and stylish."

"Paul Evans provides superior quality at a manageable mark-up for those looking to build an impressive and cost effective collection."

"These oxblood captoes are beautifully crafted and extremely versatile. Be aware that people will like these shoes, so do a bit of research on them so you know what you’re talking about when they ask."

"One might mistake this fine footwear for a pair of Allen Edmonds, yet the slimmed down European toe reveals a more updated and youthful shoe. You’d be hard pressed to find footwear that offer such quality and construction at a more affordable price."

"These are certainly some of the best shoes out there both in terms of quality and style."

"Modern, sleek, and trend-forward... Paul Evans is a good alternative... if you want something other than the typical brands at this price point."

"The look of the shoes they sent along are quite stunning; the shape of the last is sleek and feels quite contemporary, and the high polish and burnish to the toes is a beautiful touch."

Paul Evans: Fair Leather Fan

Introducing: Paul Evans Footwear

"We get to shop from home, in our boxers, avoid the mall crowds and get free returns and free shipping… sold!"

Day 4: The Brando by Paul Evans

"If early indicators are to hold true for the future, Paul Evans will definitely be a company to watch in 2014 and beyond."

Post Holiday Gift Guide
"It honestly looks like a work of art."

"After all, it’s the shoes that make the man, and these are some handsome shoes."

"As for the shoes, they are as good looking in person as they are online, which is to say, they’re gorgeous."

"The perfect addition to your travel shoe game."

"Paul Evans absolutely nails it: the cap-toe placement is perfect and has a sleek, spear-like last."

"The perfect go-to dress shoes for your wardrobe."

"It’s obvious that these guys took the time to design shoes that would appeal to men."

Holiday Gift Guide: Best Boots For Work Or Play

Sartorial Disruptors: Paul Evans

A Belgian Made In Italy